Thursday, May 1, 2008

USSST Snatch Ladder Training

I saw an article last night On Pavel's Monthly newsletter that caught my attention. It was how to get your Snatch numbers up on what the US Secret Service uses to weed out the week candidates from their Academy course. The Infamous USSST( US Secret Service Test ) It's pretty simple by nature, but tough on Mental and Intestinal Fortitude. This is pure ballistic endurance, strength and mental toughness.
As I was told by a SS Agent that if a candidate walks off the platform during this exercise he might as well pack his bags and head home.
If they quit here they will quit in the field with their team also.

I agree with them100%!!

As Pavel likes to say during this test " we like to keep the buckets close by at the end"

Basically it works like this, you've got 10 minutes to do as many good technique snatches with a 24kg KB as possible, you can change hands as many times as you would like and rest whenever you like but remember the clock is ticking. Unlike (GS) Girevoy Sport where you can only change hands one time during the 10 minutes and there is no resting and they use 24kg or 32kg

I personally have done this test only a few times just for fun and to see what kind of numbers I could put up. I believe that I have completed 136 my first time and 148 the second. I still have a long way to go, if you know me someone else has put up bigger numbers and I'm on the prowl to get there myself. I think the numbers are 250+.... Sick numbers.

Anyway what I did today for a workout was purely a training day.
The goal was to get 200 Snatches "Ladder Style" USSST Format.

This how to do it if you choose to try it out.

Start with ascending sets:
  • 1 rep snatch switch hands 1rep snatch switch hands
  • 2reps switch 2reps
  • 3reps switch 3 reps you get the idea!!
  • all the way to 10 reps
  • Then descending sets 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
  • Add the numbers up thats 200reps
Here's what I did for warmup preparation
  • 3 Minute jump rope barefoot moderate pace
  • Joint Mobilty
  • 26 lb/kb Circuit, 2H swing 10r, 1HS /10r, cleans 10r, cl&j 10r, snatches 10r
  • 35lb/kb Circuit same as above
  • 44lb/kb Circuit same as above but lowered reps to 5
  • 53lb/kb Circuit same as with 44lb
  • Few minute rest

USSST Ladder Style Snatch results:

My objective is to get to 200 reps in 20 minutes or less with 53lb KB. This is only a Training day to help improve my numbers. (Focus on Technique and pace)

Started up the ladder to rung 10 on each side and stopped at Time 7:54 for a 1 minute rest.

Started back Time 8:04 worked back down the ladder from 9 down until finished at 1 rep each side Time14:48

Mission Accomplished!!

1 comment:

Tom, Healy, RKC said...


I like this info. I did 5/5 for twelve sets for training purposes, but I will use this format next time. My snatch numbers are terrible, but it is what it is. A little training and I'll be back!